Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Nothing strange like when what happen recently to some of the buildings and skyscrapers in the world wide. When it forms as the shapes of alphabet letters in English. Immediately, it gives and notify our mind to meditate and start thinking.
In contemplation of this building, you will find that there is a close relationship between the forms of buildings and the forms of alphabet letters.

As is known by the shape of the Eiffel Tower in Paris as a character of A, as well as the H like, the Twins Tower in Malaysia, Burj Al Arab in Dubai ,Like letter (D), Faisaliah Tower in Saudi Arabia like letter (i) and there are also others two designs they did not start building yet, but they construct a character of Letter L & W.
However, until I write this article, I do not have yet and idea or discovered what the secret of these designs and the relationship between them. Does it happen as
coincidence or the architects were purposed of doing this idea?
also is this kind of art was creating by someone of architect and the other follow him !! who knows??

Really interesting to see the buildings mimic the nature of our civilization, our language and even that our culture as the first aim.

Fahad Allwihan - 2009